
Webredirection Open redirect (also known as unvalidated redirects and forwards) is a URL redirection vulnerability. An attacker can exploit it to redirect users from a trusted to a potentially malicious third-party website and steal their credentials via a phishing attack. - webredirection collects and executes all payloads from BB reports for Open Redirect.
 A step by step guide that will tell you how to get the development environment up and running:
$ git clone https://github.com/whoami-anoint/webredirection
$ cd webredirection

 make-payloads.sh - replace www.whitelisteddomain.tld with a specific whitelisted domain in your test case.

$  ./make-payloads.sh www.whitelisteddomain.pw
$  ./make-payloads.sh www.google.com
$  ./make-payloads.sh app.domain.com

Source: https://github.com/whoami-anoint/webredirection
Happy Hacking!!❤️


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