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QR Code Can Be Malicious

 QR is short for Quick Response . QR Codes were invented in Japan in the mid 90s, well before the ubiquity of smart phones, to help track parts in a vehicle parts manufacturing plant. They can store 300 times more data than a barcode. Typically they are a square shaped image comprising different arrangements of black and white pixels, although they can be customised with colours and logos too. What is the Potential for Harm?  QR Codes, like many things, can be used for good or evil. It’s also important to note that QR Codes can be designed to be dynamic, meaning the data stored in them can be edited later. The code itself simply stores the data as instructed by the person creating it, and this data can be malicious. Meaning that by scanning the code you could find yourself: inadvertently on a malicious website or viewing inappropriate or unexpected content led to a phishing site that may look legitimate but is attempting to trick you into entering sensitive information, such a...

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